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Misconception: People experience Parkinson’s “flare-ups.”

Reality: Parkinson’s symptoms do not often suddenly worsen over days or weeks, if they do, it is critical to find the underlying cause with your healthcare team. Medication changes, infection, dehydration, sleep deprivation, stress, grief and other medical conditions can greatly impact and worsen PD symptoms.
Fact: Certain medications (prochloroperazine, metaclopramide, valproic acid and others) can worsen PD symptoms. Often, when infection and underlying medical or psychological issues are treated, PD symptoms improve.
Reality: Parkinson’s symptoms do not often suddenly worsen over days or weeks, if they do, it is critical to find the underlying cause with your healthcare team. Medication changes, infection, dehydration, sleep deprivation, stress, grief and other medical conditions can greatly impact and worsen PD symptoms.
Fact: Certain medications (prochloroperazine, metaclopramide, valproic acid and others) can worsen PD symptoms. Often, when infection and underlying medical or psychological issues are treated, PD symptoms improve.