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House Committee Advances the National Plan to End Parkinson's Act

Stephanie Soto

Last week there was an announcement that the National Plan to End Parkinson’s Act has been advanced out of the House Energy and Commerce Committee! Congressman Paul Tonko described the National Plan as a "dose of hope" as it received unanimous support from the Committee during what others described as an inspiring and emotional bill hearing. Click on the button below to see for yourself.

What is The National Plan to End Parkinson's Act?

According to, this bill requires the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to carry out a project to prevent and cure Parkinson's disease and related conditions. Among other components of the project, HHS must:

  1. implement and periodically update a national plan to coordinate and guide efforts to prevent and cure the disease

  2. improve diagnosis, treatment, and care of those with the disease

  3. address health and other disparities related to the disease. HHS must also conduct annual assessments on the preparation for and response to the increased burden of Parkinson's disease.

In addition, the bill establishes a council, comprised of federal and nonfederal stakeholders, to advise HHS on and make recommendations concerning the prevention and cure of Parkinson's disease.

What is next?

The bill will go to the House of Representatives for a vote. If the vote passes, it will then go on to the Senate. In recent months, The Michael J Fox Foundation shared that the bill has collected 23 cosponsors in the U.S. Senate and 146 cosponsors in the House which shows promise for when it comes time to voting.

Please take a few minutes and click on the button below to help urge your representatives to vote YES on the National Plan when it gets to the House floor for a vote! You will also be able to urge your senators to follow the House’s lead and advance the National Plan through the Senate. Every action taken is one step closer towards passing the National Plan!

Help for PD will continue to update our community on the progress of the monumentus National Plan to End Parkinson's Act.


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