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Thank you for supporting our Mission to help everyone living with Parkinson’s Disease

Stephanie Soto

As we look forward to the holiday season, I cannot help reflecting on how thankful I am

for the success Help for Parkinson's has enjoyed this past year, our first full year of

operation.  We have been able to help the Capital District YMCA and Saratoga Regional

YMCA systems grow their programs that are geared specifically towards helping people

dealing with Parkinson's disease, no matter where they are in age or the progression of

the disease. Effective November of this year, Help for Parkinson's began funding 100%

of the participation costs for the Parkinson's boxing program at Schott’s Gym in Albany,

as well as the Dance for Parkinson's program offered by Rachelle Smith-Stallman at the

Ciccotti Center, and the Yoga for Parkinson's program offered by Deb Foss. These

programs are now free to people with Parkinson’s.

Help for Parkinson's is a 501c3 charity, and every dime we receive is spent on programs

and resources to help people with Parkinson's live well. We would not be able to

accomplish what we have in such a short amount of time if not for the generous

contributions from people like you and me. If you have already made a donation to Help

for Parkinson's this year, I thank you. Your financial contribution to our mission is

making a difference in people's lives. If you have yet to donate, I would encourage you

to do so if possible. We understand that this may not be the right time for you to offer

financial support, and that is okay.

With your help, support, and participation, the Capital District Parkinson’s community

has come a long way this past year. With the support of the Parkinson’s Community and

our friends, there is so much more we can do to help those dealing with this progressive

disease live their best possible lives!

Happy Holidays,

Help for Parkinson’s

Steve Hovey, President


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