Chances are you might need some form of medical equipment at some point in your life. The question is, where can you get it? This is largely dependent on your insurance.

Medicare will cover medically necessary durable medical equipment (DME) that is prescribed by your Physician for those with plan B, and they will cover DME for those in a skilled nursing facility or in-patient hospital with plan A. Private insurance plans are not required to cover DME, but many of them do. It is important to look at your plan closely or call to find out.
What are examples of DME?
Hospital beds
Power scooters
Portable oxygen equipment
Does your private insurance not cover medical equipment? There are local organizations that will allow you to borrow medical equipment without cost. You can also find medical equipment for a reduced price at Goodwill, Salvation Army, and other thrift stores.
Places to find medical equipment:
Southern Adirondack Independent Living
Your local Aging Agencies, Lions Club, Rotary Club, and faith communities
Medical equipment loan closets
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